#3111 R is for Rosa: Episode 1 – Reform or Revolution?
Rosa Luxemburg flees Poland to become a leading theorist in German Social Democracy. At first, the debate over revolutionary principles is abstract—then the 1905 revolution breaks out, and Luxemburg goes undercover, into the thick of the action, in Warsaw, only to find herself in jail. On her release, she writes a pamphlet that shakes the reformist leaders of Western Europe to their core.
Cast: Josephine Rogers as Rosa Luxemburg, Paul Mason (Narrator), Dana
Mills (author, Rosa Luxemburg: Critical Lives)
Credits: Paul Mason, writer and director; Theopi Skarlatos, producer; Dorit
Riethmüller for Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung; Louis Hollis, Mathilde Babo,
Lukasz Jan Konopa, Elena Massa, Jon A Juárez, cameras; Exarcheia, post-
production/animation; shot on location and at Camberwell Studios, London.
Archive and stills from: British Pathé, Karl Dietz Verlag, Alamy, Getty
Images, Das Bundesarchiv and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.