#3121 R is for Rosa: Episode 2 – Imperialism and War
Rosa Luxemburg is teaching Marxism to German workers—but Marx wrote Das Kapital 50 years before, and capitalism has changed. Luxemburg writes a book predicting the downfall of imperialism, on the eve of a war in which millions will die. From her prison cell, as she attacks the hypocrisy and slaughter, even some revolutionaries think she has gone too far.
Cast: Josephine Rogers as Rosa Luxemburg, Paul Mason (Narrator), Dana
Mills (author, Rosa Luxemburg: Critical Lives)
Credits: Paul Mason, writer and director; Theopi Skarlatos, producer; Dorit
Riethmüller for Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung; Louis Hollis, Mathilde Babo,
Lukasz Jan Konopa, Elena Massa, Jon A Juárez, cameras; Exarcheia, post-
production/animation; shot on location and at Camberwell Studios, London.
Archive and stills from: British Pathé, Karl Dietz Verlag, Alamy, Getty
Images, Das Bundesarchiv and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.